
U.S. Citizenship

The United States has welcomed newcomers from all over the world through U.S. Citizenship programs. Immigrants have helped shape and define the country we know. By becoming a U.S. citizen, you too will have a voice in how our nation is governed.

Forms U.S. Citizenship

There are many reasons to consider becoming a U.S. citizen, including:

  • Voting. Only U.S. citizens can vote in federal elections as well as most state and local elections.
  • Serving on a jury. Federal, most state and local juries are restricted to U.S. citizens.
  • Obtain a U.S. Passport. Holders receive the support of the United States, around the world.
  • Bring family members to the U.S. Citizens of the U.S. generally have priority status for processing requests to bring family to the U.S. for permanent residence.
  • Keep your residency. U.S. citizens right to reside in the country cannot be removed.