
Our Team

Samuel Alemu, Managing Partner and Attorney At Law
Praveen Medikundam, Partner and Attorney At Law

We help people navigate the confusing and unforgiving immigration process to reach their goals. Our partners, attorneys, and professional staff focus on clients, not processes. We reinterpret the traditional law firm experience. Communication, working together, and using technology to make the processes easier are part of what makes us unique. What makes us great? Outstanding client support, every step of the way.

People and technology

Our diverse team of 40+ includes Attorneys and Staff. Over half of the team are women. Seventy percent are minorities. And 100% have excellent credentials and experience. We also speak 11 different languages, easing the occasional challenge of translation and cultural sensitivities. We are here for you.

Licensed Nationally

Our team is licensed to represent all U.S. Immigration cases. Specifically, we are licensed in the U.S. District Courts for the Northern District of Illinois and the Southern District of California, and multiple foreign jurisdictions.

Technology Enabled

Our focus is on you and your case. Using our custom software, MyEsq, we are modernizing the law firm experience. Our software is built to ease the immigration process, give you access to your case anytime, request time with your attorney, and more.


Our firm is certified minority owned through the National Minority Supplier Development Council and holds ISO:9001 Quality Management System verification.


You decide how you want to communicate with us. Sure, phone, email and even paper mail is good. Use WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Viber, and more.

How can we help you?

Whatever your immigration issue may be, we are here to help. Our team of attorneys and staff work hard to help you reach your goals.