asylum claim

Family Urges for Asylum Claim Decision After Seven-Year Wait

A family took legal action in California federal court to get a decision on their asylum claim, which has been pending since they filed it in 2017. They came to the U.S. in 2016 with a B-2 visitor visa. They applied for asylum the following year, citing religious persecution in their home country.

While their biometric appointment was completed in 2017, their interview still hasn’t been scheduled. Despite multiple inquiries, they haven’t received any updates about their case. They are still waiting for a final decision.

The family is asking the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to finish processing their claim. They say they can’t plan their future with confidence without knowing the outcome. The lawsuit aims to force the government to process their application.

If you have questions about an asylum claim or any other U.S. immigration-related issue, please contact us. Our team of seasoned attorneys partner with our clients directly every step of the way.

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