Florida Immigration Law

Florida Immigration Law Subject of Federal Lawsuit

Migrant workers and advocates filed a federal lawsuit challenging a part of a new Florida law that makes it a felony to transport individuals who entered the country illegally into the state. They argue that the law is vague and may lead to unlawful arrest, prosecution, and harassment. Governor Ron DeSantis promoted this law as part of state Republicans’ efforts targeting immigrants without a lawful basis.

The lawsuit aims to declare the disputed section of the law unconstitutional and prevent its enforcement. The plaintiffs are concerned that the law puts workers at risk and may hinder individuals from neighboring states with different immigration statuses from attending immigration court and federal agency appointments in Florida. They argue that the law is unconstitutionally vague and allows arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement.

The lawsuit contends that the Florida law encroaches on federal powers exclusively granted by the Constitution for immigration matters. The plaintiffs argue that the state law conflicts with the comprehensive federal framework for immigration and interferes with the federal government’s authority over smuggling and transporting noncitizens.

Governor Ron DeSantis, a Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential race, has focused on immigration challenges at the U.S.-Mexico border since becoming Governor of Florida. The recently enacted law (SB 1718) includes provisions such as mandatory E-Verify usage for businesses with more than 25 employees to verify workers’ immigration status.

If you have any questions about immigration-related issues, feel free to contact us. We are here to help you through your immigration journey, every step of the way.

How can we help you?

Whatever your immigration issue may be, we are here to help. Our team of attorneys and staff work hard to help you reach your goals.