untimely filing

USCIS Updates Policy on Untimely Filing Extension of Stay and Adjustment of Status

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) updated its rules for those who are in the U.S. temporarily and need to extend their stay or change their status. If there are special circumstances causing a delay, USCIS has the option to excuse the untimely filing, at their discretion.

Examples of these special circumstances include things like a work stoppage, like a slowdown or strike, or if the government is delayed in processing labor condition reports. This is not a complete list. USCIS will consider their options at their discretion, on a case-by-case basis.

Normally, USCIS doesn’t accept requests that are filed late. However, because of this update, USCIS can use its judgment to excuse late filings if there are good reasons. It’s still recommended to follow the usual process and file on time to avoid any issues.

If you have questions about extending your stay or changing your status, or any other immigration issue, you can reach out to us. We help our clients navigate these situations and support them to always remain in compliance. Contact us if you have any questions. We are with you every step of the way.

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Whatever your immigration issue may be, we are here to help. Our team of attorneys and staff work hard to help you reach your goals.