domestic visa renewal

Proposed H-1B Rule Clears White House Review

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed a new rule for the H-1B visa program, which is a temporary work visa. The rule aims to prevent fraud in the annual lottery for these visas. It also includes some other changes.

If this rule is approved, it will make it easier for entrepreneurs to start new businesses while on the H-1B visa. It will also update how large employers with many H-1B employees complete site inspections. There will be adjustments to the process for submitting job location changes. Details on how the proposed rule will prevent fraud are not yet available.

This proposed rule will be published in the Federal Register, a place where government rules are announced.

The H-1B visa program allows employers to hire foreign workers with special skills. It has a limit of 85,000 visas each year, and people can get these visas for up to six years. The selection process is a lottery. People enter, and if they are picked, they can apply for a visa. The concern is that some people have been trying to improve their chances by entering multiple times.

If you have questions about H-1B visas or any immigration issues, contact us. We keep up with changes in U.S. immigration rules to provide the right advice for our clients and are with them every step of the way

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