Rio Grande Barrier

Texas Ordered to Remove Floating Barrier from Rio Grande River

A federal judge ordered Texas to remove a floating barrier from the Rio Grande River. The barrier, installed by the state in an attempt to reduce illegal border crossings, was found to be in violation of the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act.

The judge said the barrier constituted a “structure” under the law, and that placing a structure in navigable waters is prohibited. The state must remove the barrier by September 15, with the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The lawsuit against the state was filed by the Biden administration. They argued that the barrier was illegal and would harm the environment. The state argued that the barrier was necessary to protect public safety and prevent illegal immigration.

The floating barrier is nearly 1,000 feet long and weighs roughly 1,000 pounds. It is attached to over 60 concrete anchors, each weighing 3,000 pounds. The barrier was installed in the river in April 2022 as part of Operation Lone Star, a multi-agency effort to secure the southern border.

The judge’s ruling is not the end of the legal battle over the barrier. Texas said that it will appeal the ruling.

In the meantime, the state must move the barrier by September 15.

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