floating barrier

Lawsuit Filed Against Texas for Floating Barrier

Texas is being sued by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for a floating barrier they put up in the Rio Grande River to deter migrants. The DOJ argues that the barrier violates environmental law and poses safety risks. The floating barrier is about 1,000 feet and is causing humanitarian and safety concerns.

Mexico is also upset about the barrier, raising concerns it may violate international agreements.

The DOJ wants to prevent Texas from building more barriers that block the river. The administration requests the court to order Texas to take down the current barrier at their own expense.

The Mexican government is also worried that the barrier might disrupt the river’s natural flow and cause issues with debris during floods.

This situation also affects the relationship between the U.S. and other countries, which is a big concern for the DOJ.

Over 80 Democratic lawmakers have asked President Biden to investigate and take legal action against Texas for what they see as “dangerous and cruel actions.”

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