OPT Foreign Student

Expansion of OPT Foreign Student Work Program to Include New STEM Fields

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) added eight additional degrees to the list of qualifying fields for OPT Foreign Student F-1 visa holders looking for work in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. DHS added the fields of study to the STEM Designated Degree Program List to expand eligibility options for applying for a 24-month extension through the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program.

The new fields that have been added include:

  • Composite Materials Technology/Technician,
  • Demography and Population Studies,
  • Developmental and Adolescent Psychology,
  • Geospatial Intelligence,
  • Institutional Research, Landscape Architecture,
  • Linguistics and Computer Science,
  • Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering Technology/Technician.

The OPT program allows eligible F-1 visa holders to gain real-world experience related to their field of study. To qualify for the extension, students must have completed 12 months of OPT and have a degree from the STEM OPT list. They can then extend their OPT for an additional 24 months.

In 2022, the Biden administration announced policy changes to attract and retain foreign students with STEM education. These changes provide more job opportunities for exchange students in STEM fields, clarify visa options for STEM workers with exceptional abilities, and make it easier for foreign nationals with STEM backgrounds to obtain permanent resident status.

Even though there have been some layoffs in the tech sector, there is still a high demand for STEM skills. Employers are facing challenges in finding enough qualified workers in these fields. Qualifying OPT Foreign Student programs are seen as a way to address these workforce gaps.

If you have any questions about the F-1 visa or the OPT program, feel free to contact us. We closely follow updates on U.S. immigration policy to keep our clients informed every step of the way.

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